Tuesday, April 8, 2008

REAL News April 2008

Welcome, to the 2nd REAL NEWS

A reminder to all that REAL is alive and happening for lesbian’s to unite and be supported in and amongst our community.

Currently there is no lesbian outlet of such in the Illawarra that supports lesbians in the way that REAL does.
REAL – Respecting Equality Amongst Lesbians can be described as a lesbian group who supports our being. Our meetings can also be described in some respects as “moments of affirmation “ and “lesbian business”. Where our meetings are lesbian only we do however encourage our friends and family and those who support us, who ever they to unite in some of our activities and events.

I’d like to encourage you all to support your lesbian community and contribute any way you can to make REAL be of benefit to us. This could be by volunteering at events we organise or being present to engage in any activity we have going or volunteering your skills. REAL cannot survive without participation from our community.
Having said this we have many lesbians in our community who are skilled and who are willing to empower our community with the skills they are willing to pass on to us. If this sounds like you please come forward and support REAL lesbians by sharing your skills and knowledge.

If anyone has a story they’d like to contribute to REAL NEWS send it via email or in writing to REAL.

In peace and respect of being


The REAL meetings are up for discussion on topics you want to talk about. Respecting one another’s opinions is essential to healthy discussion. At these informal meetings it can be noted that who ever is present are the basis for decision making for what comes up for the group. Therefore I encourage whoever wants a say in REAL to come to these meetings.

Of course if you don’t wish to participate in these discussions you are welcome to break away and form conversations between others.

Remember the meetings are informal and don’t require action of being other than just being. Relax have a cuppa and a biscuit and just be.

Just to acknowledge that ACON have been providing afternoon tea for us and it is very much appreciated, Thank you to Alex/Lexi who makes an effort that we adore.

Plenty of lesbian activities have been created as a result of approx 30 surveys that have been sent back. Thankyou for the feedback. There are many surveys that haven’t reached their way back to REAL, as your thoughts and suggestions are important, I urge you to send or hand in the survey to ACON, addressed to REAL so REAL can access the needs and the wants of our lesbian community effectively.

I’m happy to share in the excitement of a financial donation of $1,000 by an anonymous lesbian to REAL.
As we know its hard work raising funds to help with on going expenses for some activities and events, so $1000 is much welcomed. A gracious thank you from REAL in supporting our lesbian community.

One area REAL has talked about is to obtain books for a REAL lesbian library. As we purchase books they will be available to borrow. If you have a preference of interest for any suggestions for books please let me know. ACON has a large selection of books also if you want to go in and have a look, they are available to borrow also.

An anonymous lesbian has graciously donated some lesbian books to our library and so far there we have accumulated about 40 books. These books will be available at the REAL fortnightly meeting. Thankyou for the books, they are a great start to our library.

REAL marched under a REAL banner supported by ACON at Mardi Gras. Thankyou to the women who supported REAL in the parade and those who supported us outside the parade.

This group is facilitated by Pat who has organised and facilitated many different groups. This group has limited numbers, so to get a place you need to call Pat on 0431754694.

This takes us to the core of our being without discounting any experience of life. We all have a life experience either in action or in the past where clarity is either in motion or got lost along the way. This group focuses on talking about what it is that sets your spirit free or ways on how to overcome what it is that constricts your being from freedom of self. We share ideas and respect one another’s thoughts and suggestions of being. There is no right or wrong way to be about whatever situation or issues that you have to share, it is about gaining enlightenment about self and own circumstance. This is not a counselling group. I urge those who participate in this group to be mindful that what you share may evoke emotions and that those who are privy to this to be respectful and mindful that we are all human and we do these things. I am also bringing to the fore that this group remain confidential in respecting one another’s privacy to confidentiality.

REAL “Not just a Choir”
REAL is getting a “Not just a Choir” together so we can perform our creative talents to not just our lesbian community but to the general community. Our vocal instructor Pon will be teaching us how to use our voice , organise our music and inspire us. We also have a dance choreographer Robbi who will teach us some shimmy moves. If you know how to act and are prepared to pass these skills on to us, well we'd love to have you on board. Also if you know how to write comedy well we need you too! There are no set numbers for this Choir so if it interests you to sing or play an instrument, act or dance (you must already know how to play the musical instrument and provide it) come along and have some fun. How exciting! There will be a place for all who unite in our “Not just a Choir”

We will start our “Not just a Choir” journey on Sunday 11th of of May, 12pm – 2pm. Bring a plate of food and we can discuss where it's going. We will workshop every week until we have a gist of it and when we are more confident we can meet every two weeks.
Just to let you know that we will be having open performance for some workshops where we will be inviting members of our GLBTQ community and who ever to workshop with some of our perormances.

I went to a meeting that is promoting the up and coming PHOENIX Theatre @ Coniston (the old Coniston theatre), that Steen is getting back on track. We are able to perform here. More info about this at the meeting.

Looking forward to seeing you at the “Not just a Choir” meeting.
Call Tania – 0402 433 891

Jasmin and Kerry find out the best places to see art so stay tuned for up and coming gallery excursions every couple of months. Next gallery is at Stanwel Park so if you're interested details are on the calendar.

The Walala Wasala exhibition at Wollongong City Gallery just happened to be closed on the Saturday we went, so we went to the De Havilland Gallery, which has local artists, including paintings from local Aboriginal woman Lorraine Brown. Afterward we headed off to Belmore Basin for lunch and crossed over to visit the gallery there.


REAL breakfasts were to begin this month, but it has come to our attention that a group of lesbians have been doing brekky on a weekly basis for quite some time now. Jacquie organises these brekkies so that there is one each weekend. They are at different café’s so it is best to call Jacquie to find out times and places. Jacquie: 0432 882 051

Dinners are still the first Thursday of the month, restaurants or local areas are picked randomly but if you have a personal preference let me know. -Tania: 0402 433891

Our lesbian community have women who find it difficult to perform certain handy woman jobs that some of us take for granted. If you are in need of assistance or can give assistance REAL would like to know. We could have a register of those needing help and those who can provide help.

Tania – I can volunteer 1 lawn mow per month and also do tree trimming and that sort of thing.

REAL Book Keeping
Jacquie has volunteered to up keep our REAL finances and to train anyone who wishes to learn this skill. A huge thank you.

Call Tania if you are interested: 0402 433 891

Julia the JAM QUEEN is the proprietor of “THE JAM SHOP CAFE”, GLBTQ friendly. She invites us all to enjoy her warm and cosy atmosphere and of course her Jams. Julia has a range of wholesale jams and also caters for functions. The food looks just yummy and homemade. REAL are meeting up in May for Lunch, so check REAL calendar for more info. Of course if you feel like going there beforehand let us know how it is!
Julia the Jam Queen - 76 Princes HWY Fairy Meadow 2519- 4284 9006- Mon – Fri 8am – 4pm, Sat 8am – 2.30pm
ps - Julia's cafe has GLUTEN FREE as well as WHEAT!


Thankyou Tania.

PS – Please excuse the format of this newsletter in particular. I have had what you could call a real shit fight with my computer and the format required to bring you a professional looking document. - Tania

EMAIL: real.illawarra@gmail.com BLOG: realillawarra.blogspot.com
TANIA: 0402 433 891

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