Tuesday, June 16, 2009

FW: SCLC Women's Committee Lunch

Anyone interested? South Coast Labor Concil lunch- Womens Committee.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, June 03, 2009 4:00 PM
Subject: SCLC Women's Committee Lunch

Dear Friends,


The SCLC Women's Committee will be hosting a lunch at Fellini on Wentworth in Port Kembla from 12pm Saturday 20 June. Guest speaker will be Jennie George, Member for Throsby.


Tickets are $30 waged and $20 unwaged and bookings are essential as numbers are limited.


Bookings can be made via jok@nsw.nteu.org.au and tickets are payable at the door by cash or cheque made out to South Coast Labour Council.


All women welcome.


In union



Jo Kowalczyk

State Organiser

NTEU NSW Division


t: (02) 9212 5433

f: (02) 9212 4090

e: jok@nsw.nteu.org.au

w: www.nteu.org.au/bd/nsw


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Mobile: 0431 88 7770
email: real.illawarra@gmail.com
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