Tuesday the 17th of February 2009
The Hon Kevin Rudd, Prime Minister
Parliament House, Canberra ACT 2600
Tania Morsman
Bellambi NSW 2518
Dear The Hon Kevin Rudd, Prime Minister
I am an out lesbian and live independent of a same sex relationship, I am writing to you to express my concern regarding excluding the "grandfather clause" from the "Equal Treatment" laws that are to be introduced soon for the benefit of "equality" for same sex relationships.
I am excited that we are being recognised as having real relationships in Australian society, and that to recognise this we are being categorised in the same Centrelink financial benefits as heterosexuals. However I believe it will cause major impacts to those who are currently living under the "unequal" Centrelink benefits system. I believe it will be detrimental to lesbians living in relationships that have made future arrangements with regard to the inequality that exists within Australian society and Centrelink entitlements.
Lesbians already living together have included in their retirement, compensation for the unequal wages system where it is a fact women still earn less then men. The fact that they will now under the new "Equal Treatment" system, lose a government supported wage if they are currently entitled to it will have a huge detrimental impact on these households and families.
This may be in the form of mortgage repayments they will no longer be able to account for, therefore struggling to make ends meet because of the sudden changes to their financial income. There is a great possibility that those who are affected will lose their home and/or the retirement / superannuation fund that they saved for.
Many lesbians living in relationships who have children will also be impacted in ways hugely detrimental to their current living standards including health, schooling and also social standards i.e. food, family social events, uniforms, books, doctors fees, medicines. The list is extensively more than this!
The fact that the government has not made the effort to put in a "grandfather" clause to protect those already living in same sex relationships is detrimental, not only financially but also mentally and physically.
Mentally because it adds to the stress of those already aged pensioners as to how they will survive under the new changes and physically because of the doctors, counselors and / or psychiatrists and medication they will need because of such a sudden and unaffordable impact on their livelihood. This will not only apply to old age pensioners, I believe it will cause a domino effect through out the families of those who will be impacted by the changes.
The burden on community services i.e. electricity handouts, food handouts, living support will heighten because of the detrimental impacts that will be imposed on lesbians already living in relationships.
The government can and has put into effect "grandfather clauses" previously. A "grandfather clause" was put into affect with the NSW Housing Dept tenancy agreements so that
"The change to fixed term leases applies to people currently on the housing register and new applicants for public housing. These changes also apply to applicants for Aboriginal Housing Office (AHO) properties managed by Housing NSW.
Tenants who entered Housing NSW or AHO properties managed by Housing NSW before 1 July 2005 will keep their existing tenancy arrangements – except for tenants on renewable tenancies who will receive a continuous lease at the end of their current lease." (www.housing.nsw.gov.au, 17/12/2009)
This clause excluded those already living under the old tenancy agreements and also gave compassionate grounds for those who would be at a disadvantage under the new changes. Lesbians already living together are being discriminated against by the Federal Government by not allowing on compassionate grounds a "grandfather clause" to protect those already in a vulnerable position. The dismissal of a 'grandfather clause" to aid in transforming the old Centrelink benefits system to an "equal" current one is to say the least, again DETRIMENTAL to those already living under the prior independent Centrelink system! I urge the Prime Minister of Australia to take a humanitarian stand for lesbians who already live in a vulnerable disadvantaged position in society, to include a "grandfather clause" so that the new "Equal Treatment" system transforms toward a more sustainable pace into Australian society. Sincerity, humanity and social justice values Tania Morsman
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