Tuesday, September 15, 2009

FWD: Federal Government lesbian health survey- have your say!

FW: government lesbian health survey - How have you been treated?

For the first time in 20 years the Australian Federal Government is developing a National Women's Health Policy to ensure the planning and delivery of health services better meet the needs of Australian women.

ACON (AIDS Council of NSW) is participating in the consultation process to ensure the policy meets the health needs of lesbians and same-sex attracted women in the community.
You can help by sharing your experiences in health care in Australia – the good, the bad & everything in between.
Go to: www.acon.org.au/herstory by 30 September

REAL- Respect and Equality Amongst Lesbians.
A social and support group for lesbians in and around the Illawarra and Wollongong region
Mobile: 0431 88 7770
email: real.illawarra@gmail.com
Web: http://realillawarra.blogspot.com/

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